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My Hobby

Hobby plays an important role in our life.
Hobby is something we like to do in our fee time,Hobby is something through which you can pass your free time.
Hobby keeps us busy in our fee time and make our life interesting,enjoyable and help us in forget our worries. In simple words Hobby helps us in living our life happily.
There are many activities peoples likes to do in their free time e.g.dancing, singing, playing, gardening, reading,painting etc.
Every human behviour is different then others,people choose their hobby according their interest, so a habby shows human behaviour also.

My Hobby-My hobby is gardening, I am a nature loving person so gardening I like to do during my free time.
Gardening is a pleasant,economical also helps in reducing pollution which is also a major problem of our coutry these days.
Initially I started gardening with a thought to return the oxygen back to the environment which I and my family take every day. but now I love doing gardening and it became my hobby.Gardening gives a lot of exercise, it brings us closer to the nature.
There is a small land near to my home where I do gardening. I planted Rose, Mogra, Merigold, Alovera, Money plant in my gardern. I had sown some seeds during mansoon and now those seeds have become trees vines and give me vegetables. I look after the plants and water them daily.

Benefit of Hobby- I believe every one should do some activity in their free time, it helps in forget our worries, keep our mind fresh and active. My hobby gives me fresh air, flowers, vegetables and a healthy life.
Hobby helps you to realize you potential in a different area. Somtimes hobby helps in earning extra money also, like if someone interested in photography or painting then they can earn some extra money with that.

Conclusion- Hobby plays an important role in our life.
Hobby keeps us busy in our fee time and makes our life interesting,enjoyabe and helps us in forget our worries.
In simple word Hobby helps us in living our life happily.