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Problem Of Unemployment

1-Introduction -India is a very big and vast country. It has been facing many problem since independence such as population problem, dowry problem, pallution problem etc,but among all these problems the problem of unemployment is the most buring problem of India. Unemployment means lack of wark for those who are willing to work.It is the problem of joblessness. It is an economical and social evil. Advanced counries are also facing this problem.

2-Causes of unemployment - There are several causes for this increased unemployent in India. Some of them are following-
(A) Rising population in the country is the main cause of all types of unemployent in India. Population is incresing by leaps and wounds,So job can not be offored to this huge population.
(B) Agriculture which is the chief rural industry in the country gives only seasonal wark to our villagers.
(C) Rapid industrialization also makes this problem serious.
(D) Present education systm of our country is defective. It produces only white collered persons. it does not teach us the importance of labour.
(E) Lack of enterprise and hand labour among youth is also responsible for the problem.

3-Effects of Unemployment -Due to the problem of unemployment our youth are doing various crime such as theft,looting and murdering etc. Thus it has been a threat to our society, due to this poverty is increasing day by day. it has become a hindrance in the way of our progrsss. Our country can not be advanced economically,politically and socially unless this problem is solved.

4-Remedies - There are folowing remedies to solve this problem-
(A) First of all of us must control growth of population and all family planning methods should be made real and practical.
(B) Present education system should be reformed.Government should open technical colleges.
(C) Cottage and small scale industries should be encouraged in villages.
(D) Co-operative socities and banks should grant soft loan to unemployed person who wish to start some business.
(E) Agriculture of our country should be developed properly.
(F) Wise use of machinery should also be made.

5-Conclusiton -The problem of unemployment need immediate solution, therefore both short and long term steps should be taken. Although our government has taken many steps to solve this problem,many scheme has been started to give employment to the people.
Dr. Radhakrishnan has rightly said-
"True test of democracy is the full of employment and social security."